New Hanging Boats

Here are two new hanging boats.  “Comock’s Umiak” was included in “Pulp” in March and April at the Santa Fe Community Gallery, and “Adrift in the Great Unknown” will be included in “Parch” at the Open Space Gallery in Albuquerque, beginning October 3rd.  They are both constructed with a framework of willow sticks, covered with ink drawings on handmade Japanese paper.

"Comock's Umiak", H. 30", W. 26", L. 46"

"Adrift in the Great Unknown", H. 36", W. 24", L.60"

About Julie Wagner

I was born in Wisconsin, and grew up on the east coast, wandering the woods, collecting leaves, bones, and bugs. After earning a BA from Oberlin College, studying sculpture at the Brooklyn Museum School, and receiving an MFA in sculpture from the Rhode Island School of Design, After 50 years of living in a small, rural town in northern New Mexico, I moved to Albuquerque,and built a live-in studio, where I continue to paint and make artist's books. My work is based on the natural environment where I live, maps, scientific diagrams and microscopic images. My work is in public and private collections throughout the United States and Europe.
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