After finding this fungus in a hollow tree in a parking lot, I have been doing a series of walnut ink drawings on mineral paper.

Fungus I

Fungus II

Fungus III

Fungus IV

Fungus V

Fungus VI

Fungus VII
About Julie Wagner
I was born in Wisconsin, and grew up on the east coast, wandering the woods, collecting leaves, bones, and bugs. After earning a BA from Oberlin College, studying sculpture at the Brooklyn Museum School, and receiving an MFA in sculpture from the Rhode Island School of Design, After 50 years of living in a small, rural town in northern New Mexico, I moved to Albuquerque,and built a live-in studio, where I continue to paint and make artist's books. My work is based on the natural environment where I live, maps, scientific diagrams and microscopic images. My work is in public and private collections throughout the United States and Europe.