Wind paintings

The spring winds are here, moving everything in their paths.  It’s the time of year when El Rito rearranges itself and erases the tracks of the winter.  These paintings bear the names of winds from around the world..

“ghibli”, acrylic on Claybord, 8″x8″x2″

“sirocco”, acrylic on Claybord, 8″x8″x2″

“haboob”, acrylic on Claybord, 8″x8″x2″

“susurrus”, acrylic on Claybord, 8″x8″x2″

“khamsin”, acrylic on Claybord, 8″x8″x2″

“foehn”, acrylic on Claybord, 8″x8″x2″

About Julie Wagner

I was born in Wisconsin, and grew up on the east coast, wandering the woods, collecting leaves, bones, and bugs. After earning a BA from Oberlin College, studying sculpture at the Brooklyn Museum School, and receiving an MFA in sculpture from the Rhode Island School of Design, I moved to a rural town in northern New Mexico where I live with my blacksmith husband, and a long series of dogs and cats. My work is based on the natural environment where I live, maps, scientific diagrams and microscopic images. My work is in public and private collections throughout the United States and Europe.
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One Response to Wind paintings

  1. Mary Ann Crayton says:

    I love these paintings. Eager to see more.

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